Drive Electric Earth Month

Drive Electric Earth Month
Hermosa Beach, CA
Apr 27, 2019

Day: Saturday, April 27, 2019 NOTE: this event has already happened, find current-year events on the Attend page.
Time: 10:00am - 2:00pm
Location: Hermosa Valley School
1645 Valley Drive
Hermosa Beach, CA 90254
Contact the event organizers, which took place in 2019.

Event Report

This event was attached to our California Assemblyman’s Earth Day Expo and Sea Level Rise Town Hall. Highlight of the event was 5 of the vehicles displayed offered an overview of the development of fully electric vehicles from the legacy 2002 RAV4EV up through and including all of the Tesla cars and a 2019 Zero fully electric motorcycle. That and the fact that the other displayed vehicles were the personal, fully electric vehicles, owned and driven by all 5 of our Hermosa Beach City Councilmembers!

photo by: Dency Nelson
A visitor chats with event organizer Dency Nelson and Hermosa Beach City Councilman Jeff Duclos.

Event Description


I will have on display an original 2002 Toyota RAV4EV, a 2011 Nissan LEAF, the fully electric vehicles owned and driven by our 5 Hermosa Beach City Councilmembers: 2 Chevy Bolts, 2 Tesla Model 3s, and a Tesla Model S.  Also an original Tesla Roadster, a Tesla Model X, and a brand new Zero Electric Motorcycle. 

The owners and I will be available to answer questions, give a history of EVs, handout materials, and foretell the future of electric transportation!  This Earth Day event is sponsored by our California 66th District Assemblyman Al Muratsuchi in conjunction with a morning Sea Level Rise Forum and the Annual Hermosa Beach Surfest.

Due to space restrictions and liability, only the above listed vehicles will be allowed to display on the blacktop.  All other EV drivers are welcome to attend, but your vehicles will have to park in the Public Parking along with the general public. Please come, attend the Sea Level Rise Forum at 10:00, and then you are welcome to join us at the PlugInAmerica table to hang with us and to share your EV experiences.

Registered Attendees

There are currently 20 attendees registered.

Owners of These Vehicles Have Registered To Attend

Vehicle Registered
Toyota RAV4 EV (2012 and later) 2
Chevrolet Bolt 1
Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV 1
Tesla Model S 1
4 Models 5

Registered attendees report 311,500 electric miles driven.

Presented By

Plugin America logo
Electric Vehicle Association logo
Sierra Club logo
EVHybridNoire logo
Drive Electric USA logo

Gold Level Sponsor

Silver Level Sponsor

Bronze Level Sponsor

All DEEM 2025 sponsors support Plug In America's coordination of Drive Electric Earth Month.

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