Drive Electric Earth Month

Drive Electric Earth Month
Drive Clean, Drive Electric! MSH Virtual EV Expo
Keene, NH
Apr 22, 2021

Note: This is an online only event with no physical location.
Day: Thursday, April 22, 2021 NOTE: this event has already happened, find current-year events on the Attend page.
Time: 8:00 am - 8:00 pm EDT
Audience: Keene, NH, Local Area
Recording: view the recorded presentation.
Topics: EV 101
Driving Experience
Environmental Benefits
Home Charging
Contact the event organizers, which took place in 2021.

Event Report

In a non-pandemic world, the Monadnock Sustainability Hub hosts an annual in-person Earth Day Drive Electric expo to promote clean transportation and to give our community the opportunity to learn about and experience electric vehicles. This year, we've recreated the Drive Electric experience in a virtual format with our virtual EV expo.

Our Drive Clean, Drive Electric EV Expo will remain live on the MSH website for months to come! People can visit the expo here:

photo by: MSH
Screenshot of the LIVE EV expo - check it out!

Event Description


Did you know that in the U.S. the transportation sector accounts for 28% of all greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change? This April, celebrate Earth Day by visiting the Monadnock Sustainability Hub's Earth Day Drive Electric EV Expo to discover a clean alternative to your gas-fueled car. 

Visit the MSH website anytime on (or after) Earth Day to access the expo and puruse profiles detailing the experience of local electric vehicle (EV) owners. From buying, to owning, to driving — get an inside look into the world of electric cars, explore different makes and models of EVs, read the stories of local EV owners, and discover why your next car should be electric!

Spoiler alert! Electric Vehicles aren't just better for the environment. They're also more efficient, cheaper to own and operate, and fun to drive!  

The virtual expo launches April 22nd, but you can visit to get a preview of the event and sign up for a launch-day alert! Please RSVP to attend using the button at the top of this page.

Registered Attendees

There are currently 12 attendees registered.

Owners of These Vehicles Have Registered To Attend

Vehicle Registered
Chevrolet Bolt 2
Tesla Model 3 2
Tesla Model S 1
3 Models 5

Registered attendees report 183,400 electric miles driven.

Presented By

Plugin America logo
Electric Vehicle Association logo
Sierra Club logo
EVHybridNoire logo
Drive Electric USA logo

Gold Level Sponsor

Silver Level Sponsor

Bronze Level Sponsor

All DEEM 2025 sponsors support Plug In America's coordination of Drive Electric Earth Month.

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